Why Bionic Turtle


Better Prepared to Prepare You

We know what it takes to pinpoint exam success and think our customers would agree with that personal assessment. Bionic Turtle testimonials equal achievement. Why? Because the preparatory resources and study materials we provide are different.

By far, our Financial Risk Management (FRM®) question bank is the deepest you’ll find – from the highest quantity of questions, to the most in-depth training database with a focus on difficulty. It is truly the bread and butter of your preparation process.

The Bionic Turtle team has delivered the tools for exam success for nearly two decades. We continue to innovate and adapt with every content update and technological improvement we deploy.

Recycled, baseline questions are careless and won’t fully prepare you for your FRM certification. Our hand-crafted exam prep products are truly unique and battle-tested to provide a
Realistic, Proven Approach to Pass.
Blue and red checklist
1st and only FRM® provider with actionable learning spreadsheets you can use to boost your
career readiness.
Blue and Red Question Marks
Deepest digital question bank in the market that effectively and efficiently prepares candidates
to pass.
Blue and red check mark

Higher pass rate for candidates who successfully complete our study program.

Woman at desk
How Bionic Turtle Works

You want to know that your investment in study materials will actually help you prepare for your exam. That’s why you turn to the service provider with the largest breadth of information and the highest level of expertise.

If you’re enrolling in our FRM courses, we provide you with premium access, resources and support:

  • The Bionic Turtle Forum – Get your questions answered and have rapid discussions with candidates and our experts in the most active financial-risk forum on the planet. Bionic Turtle experts constantly provide feedback, including our founder David Harper.
  • Exclusive Learning Spreadsheets – Our professional level customers will have access to a resource that can’t be found elsewhere. These excel-based workbooks illustrate almost all of the exam’s quantitative concepts, providing you with an untapped resource that others won’t have.
  • Study Plan Success Elements – See why so many customers highly recommend us. From instructional videos with visual and audio elements that guide your study notes, to interactive quizzes, every candidate receives a study plan to build comprehension and pass.


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Blue and Red Pencil

Intelligent Study Materials

Personalized, interactive, quality resources for each individual learning experience.

Blue and Red Target

In-Depth Curriculum

Programs with realistic information that prepare you to complete your exam.

Blue and red man with information

Exceptional Expertise

Support from professionals with years of experience understanding and evaluating exam concepts.

What Your Colleagues Are Saying

I took the exam in Sydney and had a similar feeling about the exam being more qualitative (but no less rigorous). However, I felt I was better prepared thanks to the BT's relentless focus on throwing real life examples and methods.

Jagan G.

I subscribed to BT for my Part 1 FRM exam and just wanted to say thanks for the depth and breadth of the study materials and practice questions. I found out that I scored in the top quartile of every topic and I absolutely could not have done this without using BT - I spent many, many hours going over the practice questions and answers! I wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude to your team for your hard work in creating these materials. Thanks!

Shu C.

The BT scripts, practice questions, global topic drills and mock exams were a great help in understanding the concepts (which I could already apply on the job!) and where structured in such a manner that the breadth and depth where optimal for exam preparation - clearly the exam would have been a catastrophe without BT!

Ivan J.

Passed first time. Happy all the hard work paid off. BT was the right choice. Thanks David and Nicole for your work and commitment.

John D.

Passed! 1,4,1,2,1,4! Thank you David and Nicole for your efforts! Thank you BT! Couldn't have done it otherwise. I'm a mechanical engineer who had a career in petroleum services, then I decided to switch career to financial risk management. Passed part 1 from the first time with top quartiles and passed part 2 from the first time as well. All with BT! BT is always the recommendation I give to people aiming at the FRM designation! Thank you again!

Feras S.

Passed Part I and Part II first time - absolutely could not have done it without BT. Like a few others I didn't even both buying the GARP books for Part II and went solely with BT materials. Just read, answered questions, watched videos, read, more questions, and... more questions! All the practice question taking looked to pay off. Thanks again Bionic Turtle for a great curriculum. Keep up the fantastic work!

John D.