Week in Financial Education (June 28, 2021)
Welcome to the latest WIFE. For Part 1, we have a new practice question (PQ) set for the insurance chapter (FMP-2). I have a question about the combined ratio...
Week in Financial Education (June 21, 2021)
Welcome to the latest WIFE. For Part 1, we wrote a new set of insurance company practice questions (PQs). I was recently asked how much insurance...
Week in Financial Education (June 14, 2021)
Welcome to another WIFE. Last week we added a new practice question (PQ) set for the Insurance chapter (P1.FMP-2) and a new PQ set for the Risk Monitoring chapter (P2.IM-7).
Week in Financial Education (June 7, 2021)
Welcome to another WIFE. We started a new series of practice questions (PQ) for Financial Markets and Products (P1.T3). Question 21.2.1 (Investment banks) reflects...
Week in Financial Education (May 24, 2021)
In our latest Week in Financial Education (WIFE), Richie’s new video helpfully reviews a series of duration questions, including modified, Macaulay, money duration,..
Week in Financial Education (May 17, 2021)
Welcome to another Week in Financial Education! This week saw some great questions and fascinating insights. I will just highlight the instructive example of a flawed solution...
Week in Financial Education (May 10, 2021)
Welcome to the latest week in financial education (WIFE)! As the May exams have started, we experienced another busy week. We are grateful for some fabulous contributions...
Week in Financial Education (May 3, 2021)
Hello, welcome to another WIFE! Our FRM forum was super busy last week. I wrote a long reply to the question (link below) about the interpretation of foreign exchange (FX) quotes...
Week in Financial Education (April 19, 2021)
I hope you enjoy my latest time series question set (P1.T2.21.2). It was fun to develop these with actual code snippets. GARP’s text (Chapter 11) on the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF)...
Week in Financial Education (April 12, 2021)
I hope you enjoy my latest non-stationary time series (TS) question set (T2.21.1. below). As with the previous TS Q&A, I provided code snippets to add to the realism...
Week in Financial Education (April 5, 2021)
This week we had a interesting question about the definition of duration due to an apparent difference between GARP’s new material and Tuckman.
Week in Financial Education (March 29, 2021)
Hello valued visitors! We’re bringing back Week in Risk but calling it Our Week in Financial Education until we find a better title. Maybe you noticed our exciting news?...