Enjoy the continuation of your professional development with user-friendly technology that will help you pass the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam. Bionic Turtle puts everything important at your fingertips within a personal GARP FRM Study Planner that will keep your organized and informed for all of your FRM exam preparations.
How Does the Study Planner Work?
Crafted with years of customer feedback and experience, the latest technology from Bionic Turtle combines the ability to randomly access key resources with a sequential program. You can also follow the program in a rigorous sequence, or, access materials by concept, using tags.
What Does the Study Planner Include?
• Organized by Part, Topic, and Chapter: Quickly access study materials without the hassle of searching.
• Track Your Progress: Mark chapters as completed to stay on top of your study plan.
• Interactive Knowledge Checks: Test your understanding with engaging materials built into the planner.
How Will the Study Planner Help Me Prepare for the FRM Exam?
As a state-of-the-art e-learning tool, the FRM designation Study Planner handles the administrative and organizing aspects so you can focus on the material you want, when you want it.