FRM Professional

Pass Your FRM Exam the first time!

Choose Bionic Turtle to Earn Your Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Designation

You deserve more than cookie-cutter resources to prepare for your FRM exam. Our Study Planner provides the most in-depth information, organization, and research to get you ready for exam day.

Candidates achieve their FRM certifications through a comprehensive learning experience with tools that go above and beyond the standard. Our study course architects draw inspiration from customers who know what it takes to prepare and pass. They found success through Bionic Turtle and you can too.

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Head with lightbulb

Study Notes are the table stakes needed for efficient concept review, and are loaded with images, examples, and helpful tips.

Check list

Practice Questions that are highly organized and prioritized in a database of 4,000+ questions that are detailed and difficult to properly prepare you for the exam.

List with pencil

Videos providing instructional and focus review content in an easy-to-follow format that can assist your FRM exam prep as supplemental materials.

Laptop with chat bubble

Learning Spreadsheets are exclusive for our customers, with workbooks that structure material in spreadsheet and code format to accurately convey key quantitative concepts when written explanations or formulas don’t do the trick.

Laptop with chat bubble

Active Community Forum with 26,000+ members who use our boards to have lively discussion about concepts, share practice question information and communicate with our experts who regularly join the conversation.

The Securities Industries Essentials (SIE) exam assesses your knowledge of introductory concepts, including products and their risks, industry market structure, and regulatory agencies. To become registered to engage in business securities, you must pass this as well as a qualification exam.
Visit FINRA for more info


75 Multiple Choice Questions


1 Hour and 45 Minutes

Passing Score



Must be aged 18 or older

Study Courses Available for FRM

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If you’re an independent learner who only needs the essentials, our Basic package is for you.


Need supplemental materials with visuals and extra instructional resources? The Advanced package gives you an additional level of support.


The ultimate package to pass your FRM exam: our Professional plan details everything you’ll need to prepare, especially if you’re new to the material.

Full Forum Access

The active community (as well as our experts) engage daily about FRM exam concepts on the Bionic Turtle Forum.

Practice Question Sets

Bundled question sets that save you valuable time instead of sifting through to find your desired topic.

Study Notes

Presented for efficient learning, our FRM study notes are convenient to access and help you review concepts with ease.

Interactive Mock Exams

More than a practice test, these exams provide practice questions with interactive answers and explanations to show you how and why you received your score.

Instructional Videos

Globally recognized best-in-class videos that convey the FRM exam’s most difficult ideas in an efficient, understandable format.

Interactive Quizzes

Similar to our practice question sets, you’ll receive an even more realistic experience with real-time dynamics and a Q&A experience that is ideal for your final week of exam prep to boost readiness.

Focus Review Videos

A fast-track supplemental review tool to be used in addition to the structured study planner.

Learning Spreadsheets

First and only provider of this complementary instructional library, leveraged for comprehension of quantitative concepts.

Part I, II: $249/year


Bundle: $399/year

Part I, II: $349/year

Bundle: $599/year

Part I, II: $449/year


Bundle: $799/year

A Better Approach

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Passing the FRM exam is a challenge, and it may feel overwhelming. Put your trust in Bionic Turtle: getting started is the biggest hurdle.

We’ll be with you every step of the way, offering support and guidance, as well as study plans that are designed to set you up for success. Our team listens and we understand exactly what you need to know in order to pass. From the depth of our resources to the interactive nature of our materials and community, you won’t find a better partner to achieve your FRM certification.

Add to Your Experience and Become a CFA® Charter holder.

Earn your Chartered Financial Analyst® Charterholder designation and prepare for your Level I (CFA®) exam with our invaluable instructional tool – The Dalton Accelerator™.

What Your Colleagues Are Saying

I took the exam in Sydney and had a similar feeling about the exam being more qualitative (but no less rigorous). However, I felt I was better prepared thanks to the BT's relentless focus on throwing real life examples and methods.

Jagan G.

I subscribed to BT for my Part 1 FRM exam and just wanted to say thanks for the depth and breadth of the study materials and practice questions. I found out that I scored in the top quartile of every topic and I absolutely could not have done this without using BT - I spent many, many hours going over the practice questions and answers! I wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude to your team for your hard work in creating these materials. Thanks!

Shu C.

The BT scripts, practice questions, global topic drills and mock exams were a great help in understanding the concepts (which I could already apply on the job!) and where structured in such a manner that the breadth and depth where optimal for exam preparation - clearly the exam would have been a catastrophe without BT!

Ivan J.

Passed first time. Happy all the hard work paid off. BT was the right choice. Thanks David and Nicole for your work and commitment.

John D.

Passed! 1,4,1,2,1,4! Thank you David and Nicole for your efforts! Thank you BT! Couldn't have done it otherwise. I'm a mechanical engineer who had a career in petroleum services, then I decided to switch career to financial risk management. Passed part 1 from the first time with top quartiles and passed part 2 from the first time as well. All with BT! BT is always the recommendation I give to people aiming at the FRM designation! Thank you again!

Feras S.

Passed Part I and Part II first time - absolutely could not have done it without BT. Like a few others I didn't even both buying the GARP books for Part II and went solely with BT materials. Just read, answered questions, watched videos, read, more questions, and... more questions! All the practice question taking looked to pay off. Thanks again Bionic Turtle for a great curriculum. Keep up the fantastic work!

John D.