Practice Questions For The FRM® Exam
We are proud to offer our users access to over 2,600 unique FRM® practice questions in our FRM® materials and forum. Our forum is a vibrant community where thousands of practice questions are discussed, including at least 200 discussions on current and previous GARP® practice exam questions. We believe that this resource will enable our users to achieve their goals and succeed in their FRM® certification journey.
Our practice questions are offered in both PDF format and in our Interactive Practice Question platform.
Below is a spreadsheet that lists all the practice questions that we have available. This spreadsheet provides the following information:
- The FRM® practice question number. We label our practice questions to reflect the part, topic, and year written. For example, P1.T4.24 reflects a Part 1, Topic 4 practice question that was written in 2024.
- Links to the practice questions in the paid section of the forum. Our practice questions, with their full answers and in-depth explanations.
- The associated source chapter (author) in the GARP® curriculum
FRM® Practice Questions on the Bionic Turtle Forum
Our team writes new practice questions each week and publishes them in the FRM® Practice Question section of the forum, which is accessible to all members; however, the answers and comprehensive explanations are only available in the paid forum sections. Additionally, these practice questions are included in the PDF materials and the Interactive Practice Question platform.
We include a forum link on each answer page in the PDFs and interactive platform. Each question “began its life” in our FRM® forum! This unique feature allows you to explore a question (and its answer) further by clicking the link to its respective thread in the forum. Additionally, our team of experts provides daily forum support to answer any questions you may have (paid members only).
The Best FRM® Question Bank
Our FRM® practice questions have gained a reputation for their detailed and challenging content. It's important to remember that preparing for the FRM® exam with questions that are too easy is a common pitfall. We often hear from students who have found the exam frustrating due to a lack of preparation with challenging questions. To avoid this, we recommend practicing with our challenging questions to ensure that you are well- prepared and confident on exam day.
View our study packages for FRM® Exam Part 1 and FRM® Exam Part 2!